Ontologies tend to be found everywhere. They are viewed as the silver bullet for many applications, such as database integration, peer-to-peer systems, e-commerce, semantic web services, or social networks. However, in open or evolving systems, such as the semantic web, different parties would, in general, adopt different ontologies. Thus, merely using ontologies, like using XML, does not reduce heterogeneity: it just raises heterogeneity problems to a higher level.
Euzenat and Shvaiko's book is devoted to ontology matching as a solution to the semantic heterogeneity problem faced by computer systems. Ontology matching aims at finding correspondences between semantically related entities of different ontologies. These correspondences may stand for equivalence as well as other relations, such as consequence, subsumption, or disjointness, between ontology entities. Many different matching solutions have been proposed so far from various viewpoints, e.g., databases, information systems, and artificial intelligence.
The second edition of Ontology Matching has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the most recent advances in this quickly developing area, which resulted in more 150 than pages of new content. In particular, the book includes a new chapter dedicated to the methodology for performing ontology matching. It also covers emerging topics, such as data interlinking, ontology partitioning and pruning, context-based matching, matcher tuning, alignment debugging, and user involvement in matching, to mention a few. More than 100 state-of-the-art matching systems and frameworks were reviewed.
With Ontology Matching, researchers and practitioners will find a reference book that presents currently available work in a uniform framework. In particular, the work and the techniques presented in this book can be equally applied to database schema matching, catalog integration, XML schema matching and other related problems. The objectives of the book include presenting (i) the state of the art and (ii) the latest research results in ontology matching by providing a systematic and detailed account of matching techniques and matching systems from theoretical, practical and application perspectives.
8.1.1 DELTA (The MITRE Corporation)
8.1.2 Hovy (University of Southern California)
8.1.3 TransScm (Tel Aviv University)
8.1.4 DIKE (Università di Reggio Calabria and Università di Calabria)
8.1.5 SKAT and ONION (Stanford University)
8.1.6 Artemis (Università di Milano and Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
8.1.7 H-Match (Università degli Studi di Milano)
8.1.8 Tess (University of Massachusetts)
8.1.9 Anchor-Prompt (Stanford Medical Informatics)
8.1.10 OntoBuilder (Technion Israel Institute of Technology)
8.1.11 Cupid (University of Washington, Microsoft Corporation and University of Leipzig)
8.1.12 COMA and COMA++ (University of Leipzig)
8.1.13 QuickMig (SAP, Universität Leipzig)
8.1.14 Similarity flooding (Stanford University and University of Leipzig)
8.1.15 XClust (National University of Singapore)
8.1.16 MapOnto (University of Toronto and Rutgers University)
8.1.17 CtxMatch and CtxMatch2 (University of Trento and ITC-IRST)
8.1.18 S-Match (University of Trento)
8.1.19 HCONE (University of the Aegean)
8.1.20 MoA (Electronics and Telecomunication Research Institute, ETRI)
8.1.21 ASCO (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis)
8.1.22 Stroulia & Wang (University of Alberta)
8.1.23 MWSDI (University of Georgia)
8.1.24 SeqDisc (University of Leipzig, Queensland University of Technology, University of Magdeburg)
8.1.25 BayesOWL and BN mapping (University of Maryland)
8.1.26 OMEN (The Pennsylvania State University and Stanford University)
8.1.27 DCM framework (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
8.1.28 HSM (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, City University of Hong Kong)
8.1.29 CBW (Sharif University of Technology, Tehran Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics)
8.1.30 GeRoMeSuite (RWTH Aachen University)
8.1.31 AOAS (US National Library of Medicine)
8.1.32 Scarlet (The Open University)
8.1.33 OMviaUO (Università di Genova, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)
8.1.34 BLOOMS/BLOOMS+ (Wright State University, Accenture Technology Labs and Ontotext AD)
8.1.35 CIDER (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, University of Zaragoza)
8.1.36 Elmeleegy and colleagues (Purdue University)
8.1.37 BeMatch (Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, University of Cauca)
8.1.38 PORSCHE (University of Montpellier, ETH Zurich)
8.1.39 MatchPlanner (University of Montpellier)
8.1.40 Anchor-Flood (Toyohashi University of Technology)
8.1.41 Lily (Southeast University, Nanjing University)
8.1.42 AgreementMaker (University of Illinois at Chicago)
8.1.43 Homolonto (University of Lausanne, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics)
8.1.44 DSSim (Open University, Poznan University of Economics)
8.1.45 MapPSO (FZI Research Center for Information Technology, Griffith University)
8.1.46 TaxoMap (University of Paris-Sud 11, INRIA)
8.1.47 iMatch (Ben-Gurion University)
8.2.1 T-tree (INRIA Rhône-Alpes)
8.2.2 CAIMAN (Technische Universität M¨nchen and Universität Kaiserslautern)
8.2.3 FCA-merge (University of Karlsruhe)
8.2.4 LSD (University of Washington)
8.2.5 GLUE (University of Washington)
8.2.6 iMAP (University of Illinois and University of Washington)
8.2.7 Automatch (George Mason University)
8.2.8 SBI&NB (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
8.2.9 Kang and Naughton (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
8.2.10 Dumas (Technische Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
8.2.11 Wang and colleagues (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Microsoft Research Asia)
8.2.12 sPLMap (University of Duisburg-Essen, and ISTI-CNR)
8.2.13 FSM (Poland National Institute of Telecommunications, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Max Plank Institute for ComputerScience)
8.2.14 VSBM & GBM (École Centrale Paris)
8.2.15 ProbaMap (Université de Grenoble)
8.3.1 SEMINT (Northwestern University, NEC and The MITRE Corporation)
8.3.2 IF-Map (University of Southampton and University of Edinburgh)
8.3.3 NOM and QOM (University of Karlsruhe)
8.3.4 oMap (CNR Pisa)
8.3.5 Xu and Embley (Brigham Young University)
8.3.6 Wise-Integrator (SUNY at Binghamton, University of Illinois at Chicago and University of Louisiana at Lafayette)
8.3.7 IceQ (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Illinois at Chicago, SUNY at Binghamton)
8.3.8 OLA (INRIA Rhône-Alpes and Université de Montréal)
8.3.9 Falcon-AO (China Southeast University)
8.3.10 RiMOM (Tsinghua University)
8.3.11 Corpus-based matching (University of Washington, Microsoft Research and University of Illinois)
8.3.12 iMapper (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
8.3.13 SAMBO (Linköpings University)
8.3.14 AROMA (University of Nantes, INRIA)
8.3.15 ILIADS (University of Maryland, University of Toronto)
8.3.16 SeMap (Georgia Tech, University of British Columbia)
8.3.17 ASMOV (INFOTECH Soft, Inc., University of Miami)
8.3.18 HAMSTER (University of Michigan, Microsoft Research)
8.3.19 Smart Matcher (Vienna University of Technology)
8.3.20 GEM/Optima/Optima+ (University of Georgia, Wright State University)
8.3.21 CSR (University of the Aegean, Institution of Informatics and Telecommunications)
8.3.22 Prior+ (SAP Labs, Yahoo!, University of Pittsburgh)
8.3.23 YAM & YAM++ (University of Montpellier, University of Toronto)
8.3.24 MoTo (University of Bari)
8.3.25 CODI (Universität Mannheim)
8.3.26 LogMap (University of Oxford)
8.3.27 PARIS (INRIA, Télécom ParisTech)
8.4.1 APFEL (University of Karlsruhe and University of Koblenz-Landau)
8.4.2 LCS (Queen's University Belfast)
8.4.3 Besana and Robertson (University of Edinburgh)
8.4.4 eTuner (University of Illinois and The MITRE Corporation)
8.4.5 mSeer (University of Wisconsin-Madison, The MITRE Corporation)
8.4.6 GOALS (Gecad -- Polytechnic of Porto)
8.4.7 ContentMap (Universitat Jaume I, University of Oxford)
8.4.8 SMB (Technion Israel Institute of Technology)
8.4.9 AMC (SAP Research, University of Leipzig)
8.4.10 AMS (SAP Research, Dresden University of Technology, University of Leipzig)
8.5 Summary
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