Ontology Matching: Index of terms

For the second edition, typeset in November 2013

Note: This index refers to the pages of the above mentioned edition. It is more comprehensive than the printed index and it is searchable. This means that terms are not repeated under different head terms within the index. This also means that the reader will need to iterate search: for instance, average will be found under average, average linkage, ordered weighted average and weighted average.

A number of terms are not featured in isolation in this index since they are virtually concerned by any page of the book (only their definition pages are mentioned). These are the terms: alignment, correspondence, matcher, matching, ontology, ontology matching, etc.

Page numbers in italics indicates the page where a definition of the term is found.

= (property assignment) 35
C (ontology classes) 35
D (domain of interpretation) 36
F(⋅,⋅) (fallout) 303
H(⋅,⋅) (Hamming distance) 301
I (ontology individuals) 35
I(⋅) (interpretation function) 36
M (set of models) 37
M(⋅,⋅) (miss) 304
Mα(⋅,⋅) (F-measure) 304
O(⋅,⋅) (overall) 305
P(⋅,⋅) (precision) 302
QL(⋅) (ontology entities) 43
R ontology relations 35
R reference alignment 300
R(⋅,⋅) (recall) 302
T (ontology types) 35
V (ontology values) 35
W(⋅,⋅) (weighted harmonic mean) 315
Δ(⋅,⋅) (linkage measures) 119
Λ (set of alignments) 46
Ω (set of ontologies) 46
Σ (synonym resource) 100
Θ (correspondence relations) 43
Ξ (confidence structure) 44
α (alignment) 48
α-closure 52, 309
α-consequence 52, 309
⊥ (ontology exclusion) 35
δ (dissimilarity or distance) 86
ε (empty string) 87
ε iteration threshold 135
∈ (ontology instantiation) 35
κ (confidence function) 44
⊧ (correspondence satisfaction) 51
⊧ (ontology entailment) 37
⊧ (satisfiability of a formula) 36
ω(⋅,⋅) (alignment proximity) 307
π (probability) 102
σ (similarity) 85
⊑ (ontology specialisation) 35

Agent 3, 15, 19, 23, 391
Agent communication 24, 382
Agent communication language 19
AgreementMaker 229, 230, 274, 280
ALCOMO 195, 259, 390
Algebra 341
Alignment viii, 39, 42-53, 321} 244, 266, 273, 288, 299, 309, 331, 333, 346, 347, 350, 380, 383, 389, 392
Alignment coherence 51, 130, 193, 194, 260, 261, 390
Alignment completeness 302
Alignment completion 293
Alignment composition 384, 394
Alignment consistency 51, 66, 130, 192-195, 390, 395
Alignment correctness 302
Alignment debugging 193-196, 254, 313
Alignment disambiguation 193, 313
Alignment edition 65, 66, 369-375
Alignment evaluation 62, 64-66, 347
Alignment evolution 11, 394, 395
Alignment extraction 154, 186-192, 348
Alignment extractor 187
Alignment filter 187, 192
Alignment format 67, 68, 288, 321-337, 346, 349, 390
Alignment improvement 192-196
Alignment inconsistency see alignment consistency
Alignment injectivity 47, 120, 187, 190, 294
Alignment life cycle 56, 57, 69, 350, 394
Alignment metadata 61, 65, 67, 329, 337-340, 358, 360, 365, 386, 391, 392
Alignment model 51
Alignment multiplicity 47, 293, 294
Alignment pattern 130
Alignment relation 42
Alignment repair see alignment debugging
Alignment repository 61, 66, 67, 390-394
Alignment retrieval 60, 61, 67, 350
Alignment reuse 56, 60, 67, 79, 81
Alignment satisfiability 51, 145
Alignment semantics 48-53
Alignment server 61, 67, 347, 350, 392, 393
Alignment service 390-394
Alignment sharing 67, 68, 390
Alignment structure 42-48
Alignment trimming see threshold
Alignment update 293
Alignment validity 51
Alterator 299
AlViz 373, 374
Ambient computing 19, 20, 391
AMC 268, 282
AMS 182, 268, 269, 282
Anchor 39, 121, 127, 145, 148, 150-152, 157, 159, 187, 209, 223, 224, 229, 230, 248, 261, 274, 313, 353
Anchor reduction 152
Anchor-Flood 152, 228, 229, 274, 280
Anchor-Prompt 127, 208, 209
Anchoring 157, 224
Annotation see alignment metadata
Antipattern 130, 193, 195, 254
Antonym 99
AOAS 223, 273, 279
APFEL 262, 263, 282, 348, 356
Application-specific evaluation 290, 308, 314
Application ontology 32
Approximate algorithm 74
Argumentation 15, 362, 364, 365
AROMA 62, 65, 152, 252, 253, 267, 276, 281
Array 112
Artemis 74, 206, 207, 271, 278
ArtGen 206
Articulation axiom see bridge axiom
ASCO 216, 217, 272, 279
ASMOV 195, 254, 255, 276, 281, 303
Association rule 252
Associativity 161
ATOM 343
Automatch 236, 237, 274, 280
AutoMed 201
Average 166, 264
Average linkage 119

Background knowledge 156, 157
Bag 112
Bag of words 93, 97, 217, 248
Bagging 184
Bandwidth 312
Bayesian classification 364, 366
Bayesian learning 173, 174, 182, 183, 195, 235-238, 241, 242, 244, 245, 249, 251, 255, 257, 271, 384
Bayesian network 140-143, 219, 220
BayesOWL 219, 220, 273, 279
Beam search 236
BeMatch 227, 273, 279
Benchmark 286
Benchmark suite 286
Best match 190-192
BibSter 14
Bijective alignment 47
BioPortal 4, 345, 391-393
BizTalk schema mapper 377
Blank normalisation 88
Blocking 117, 150, 386
BLOOMS 99, 225, 226, 273, 279
BLOOMS BLOOMS+ 225, 226, 279
BN mapping 219, 220
Boosting 184, 267
Boundary condition 161
Bounded path matcher 126
Bridge axiom 5, 24, 40, 379, 380, 389, 390
Bridge concept - (in MAFRA) 323
Bridge property - (in MAFRA) 323
Bridge rule 323, 326, 380
Bridge semantic - (in MAFRA) 323
Brown corpus 103
Built-in composition 354

C-OWL 326, 327, 336, 337, 383, 390, 396
CAIMAN 234, 274, 280
Cardinality 80
Cardinality compatibility 110, 212
Case normalisation 88, 217
Catalogue integration viii, 3, 6, 8, 9
CATCH 393, 394
CBW 221, 222, 273, 279
Chebichev distance 162
Chimaera 372, 373
CIDER 224, 226, 267, 273, 279, 347
City-blocks distance see Manhattan distance
Class 34
Class exclusion 35
Class specialisation 35
Classification 27, 28, 214, 234, 237, 245, 278-280
Classification of matching approaches 75-83, 201, 203, 271
Clio 383, 384
CODI 260, 277, 282
CogZ 374, 375
Collective matching 357-360
COMA 74, 210, 211, 244, 272, 278, 342-344
COMA COMA++ 210, 211, 256, 272, 278, 342-344, 354
Common homomorphic directed subgraph 122
Commutativity 161
Comparison evaluation 290
Competence benchmark 289
Complete linkage 119
Composition 76
Compound similarity 160
Concatenation of strings 87
Concept bridge (in MAFRA) 323
Concept lattice 114
Conceptual model 31, 32
Conceptualisation mismatch 38
Conditional probability table 141, 220
Confidence 75
Confidence degree 44
Confidence structure 44
Constraint-based technique 76, 79, 80, 107
Content-based matching 74, 78
ContentMap 147, 195, 266, 267, 282
Context 74
Context-based matching 74}, 78, 80, 81, 156-160, 212, 224, 270
Contextualising 157
Continuity property 164
Corpus 103
Corpus-based similarity 103
Correspondence 39, 43
Correspondence analysis 94
Correspondence pattern 129, 130
Correspondence satisfiability 50
Cosine similarity 93, 96
Cosynonymy similarity 102
Count 328
Coverage 38, 49
Crosslingual matching 105
CSR 180, 257, 258, 276, 282
CtxMatch 213, 214, 271, 272, 278
Cupid 74, 209, 210, 211, 251, 272, 278
Cyc 32, 224

Damerau–Levenshtein distance 91
Data analysis technique 80, 82
Data integration 3, 5, 9-13, 15, 24, 49, 153, 239, 336, 341, 348, 382, 389
Data interlinking 12, 23, 24, 40, 59, 150, 288, 333, 384-387
Data transformation 381
Data translation viii, 24, 40, 58, 324, 333, 341, 381-384, 387, 390
Data translator see data translation
Data type 29, 34, 74, 107, 111, 234
Data type compatibility 108, 110, 207, 218, 227, 246
Data value 34
Data warehouse 3, 5
Database schema 25, 28, 29, 108, 203, 213, 236-238, 242, 251, 269, 341, 383, 395
Database schema matching viii
Datalog 240, 241
DCM 220, 221, 273, 279
DDL 390
Decision tree 174, 178, 179, 182, 183, 228, 242, 245, 257, 259, 275, 279
Decision tree learning 178, 263
Deep web matching 23, 247
Definiteness (property) 86
Degree of completeness 302
Degree of correctness 302
DELTA 203, 271, 278
Delta threshold 188
Dempster combination rule 168
Dependency graph 238, 362, 366, 366, 367
Descendant similarity inheritance 230
Description logic 145, 328
Description logic technique 82, 146, 147, 213
Design autonomy 13
Diacritic suppression 88
Diagnosis 194, 196, 357
Dice coefficient 93, 96
Dictionary 97, 99
Digit suppression 88
DIKE 204, 205, 271, 278, 380
Directory 27, 28
Disambiguation page 99
Disjointness 35, 75
Dissimilarity 86, 191
Distance 86
Distance aggregation see similarity aggregation
Distance on sequences 95
Distributed database 8
Distributed knowledge 53
Distributed system 45
DOLCE 32, 156, 224
Domain of interpretation 36, 50
Domain ontology 32, 40
DPLL procedure 339, 367-369
Drago 383, 390
DSSim 22, 231, 274, 280
DTD 29, 111, 212, 331
Dublin core 83
Dumas 238, 239, 274, 280
DWQ 201

E-commerce 8-13
ECOMatch 182
Edge count similarity see structural topological dissimilarity
Edit distance 90-92, 209, 211, 214, 233, 246, 251, 264, 303, 304
Edit distance on trees 127, 215
EDOAL 129, 331-333, 336, 337, 346, 378, 382, 389
Effort-based precision 308
Effort-based recall 308
Element-based technique 76, 78, 107
Elementary matchers 76
Emergent semantics 15, 16
Empty phrase 104
Empty word 104
Entailment 48
Enterprise information integration see data integration
Entity–relationship model 31, 32, 74, 203, 205
Entity interpretation 42
Entity language 42, 46
EON 288, 294
Equalising function 50
Equalising semantics 50, 390
Error minimisation 356
ETuner 181, 264, 265, 282
Euclidean distance 93, 96, 110, 162, 163, 238
Evaluation 62, 64-66, 285-317
Evaluation automation 290, 291
Evaluation comparison 290
Evaluation type 289, 290
Exact algorithm 74, 78
Exclusion 35
Exclusivity 190
Executability 336
Exhaustivity 75
Expectation maximisation 137-139, 256
Explicitation mismatch 38
Expressiveness 335
Extendibility 336
Extensional technique 78, 112-120, 234
External resource 293
External structure-based technique 106, 121-130
External technique 74
Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) 384
Extrinsic linguistic technique 80, 98-104

F-logic 292
F-measure 181, 265, 304, 306, 315
F-measure optimal threshold 305
FaCT 213
Falcon-AO 151, 247-249, 266, 275, 281, 303, 331, 354
Fallout 303
False negative 302
False positive 99, 302
FCA see formal concepts analysis
FCA-merge 234, 235, 274, 280, 380
Feature path equations 328
Federated database 8
FIPA ACL 19, 393
Fixed point 53, 132
Fixed point computation 130-137, 212, 247, 271
FMA 32, 156, 157, 296, 392
FOAM 156, 243, 244, 256, 262, 263, 266, 276, 331, 347-349
Folksonomy 25-27, 334
Formal concept analysis 114, 234, 235, 243
Formal resource-based technique 79-81
Foundational ontology 32, 130
FSM 241
Fuzzy aggregation 164, 165

Galen 296
Galois connection 114
Galois lattice see concept lattice
Gap threshold 188
GAV see global-as-view
GBM 241, 242
GEM 256, 257
GEM Optima 256, 257, 276
GEM Optima Optima+ 282
Genetic programming 117, 184-186, 226, 232
GeRoMeSuite 159, 222, 223, 273, 279, 342
GLAV see global-local-as-view
Global-as-view 10, 206
Global-local-as-view 10, 11, 240
Global knowledge 52
Global maximal - similarity 190
Globally optimal diagnosis 194, 195
Gloss 100, 103, 104, 215, 334
Gloss overlap 103, 106
GLUE 74, 180, 235, 236, 274, 280
GOALS 266, 282
Gold standard see reference alignment
GOMMA 343, 344
Gotoh distance 92, 96
Graded correspondence 75
Granularity 38, 49
Graph-based technique 79
Graph cover 190
Graph matching 132, 190
Greedy alignment extraction 190
Ground truth see gold standard

H-Match 206-208, 271, 278, 354
Hamming distance on alignments 301
Hamming distance on multisets 93
Hamming distance on sets 93, 113, 163
Hamming distance on strings 89
HAMSTER 255, 276, 281
Hard threshold 188
Harmonic adaptive weighted sum 165, 166
Harmonic mean 304, 315
Harmony 349, 349
Hausdorff distance 119
HCONE 215, 216, 272, 278, 331
HermiT 390
Heterogeneity vii, 3
Heterogeneous parallel composition 155
Hitting set 194
Homogeneity 75
Homogeneous parallel composition 155
Homolonto 230, 230, 231, 274, 280
Homonym 87, 99, 205
Horn clause 44, 327, 328
HSM 221, 273, 279
HTTP 393
Hungarian method 191
Hypernym 97, 99, 100, 102, 215
Hyponym 80, 97, 99, 102, 205, 215

I3CON 288
IceQ 246, 247, 275, 281
IDDL 390
Ideal semantic precision 309
Ideal semantic recall 309
Idempotency 164
Identification metadata 338
IF-Map 243, 275, 281
IIMB 299
ILIADS 253, 276, 281
Illinois Semantic Integration Archive 297
IMAP 236, 274, 280, 361, 362, 364, 366, 367
IMapper 251, 252, 276, 281
IMatch 233, 274, 280
IMerge 371, 372
Implicit matching 357
Individual 34
Inference Web 361
InfoMix 201
Informal resource-based technique 79, 80
Information-theoretic similarity 103, 106
Information integration 3, 5-13, 22
Information retrieval 244
InfoSleuth 201
Initial alignment 354
Input 76
Input dimensions 74
Instance see individual
Instance-based technique 74, 76, 79, 82
Instance matching 288
Instantiation 35
Integer linear programming 260
Integrity constraint 112
Internal structure-based technique 106-112, 117, 208
Internal technique 74
Interoperability see heterogeneity
Intrinsic linguistic technique 80, 97, 98
Inverse document frequency 94
IPrompt 373
Iterative propositional fitting 220

Jaccard similarity 96, 103, 111, 113, 125, 220, 231, 253, 255, 260
Jaro measure 92, 96
Jaro–Winkler measure 92, 96, 217, 223, 228, 253, 259, 260, 266, 386
JDBC 393
Jeffrey rule 220
Jiang–Conrad similarity 103
Justification 338
Justified correspondence 338

k-nearest neighbours see nearest neighbours
KAON2 348
Key 107, 108, 115
KIF 243, 292
Kind of input 78
Knob 265
KnoFuss 117, 385, 386
Knowledge base 33
Knowledge web xii
Kraft 201
Kullback–Leiber divergence 94

Language-based technique 79, 80, 96-106, 247
Language independence 335
Latent semantic indexing 94, 216
LAV see local-as-view
LCS 165, 263, 282
Leacock–Chodorow dissimilarity 106, 125
Learning 171-180
Lemmatisation 97, 245
Levenshtein distance 91, 96, 161, 217, 222, 223, 226, 228, 229, 254, 258-260
Lexicon 99, 106
Lily 152, 229, 274, 280, 303
Linguistic quantifiers 165, 260, 263
Linguistic technique 76, 107, 206-210, 217, 245, 248
Link stripping 88
Linked data 11-13, 23, 40, 59, 225
Linkkeys 115
LinQuer 387
List 112
Local-as-view 10, 11, 15
Local knowledge 52
Locally optimal diagnosis 194, 195
Logical mismatch 38
LogMap 62, 65, 152, 195, 260-262, 271, 390
LogMap LogMap2 277, 282
LOV 59, 61
LSD 83, 235, 236, 251, 274, 280
Lucene 97

MAFRA 323, 324, 336, 337, 344, 345
Magpie 21
Majority vote 166
Majority weighted vote 167
Manhattan distance 93, 96, 162, 163, 164
MapForce 377
MapOnto 213, 272, 278, 383
Mapping 39, 179
Mapping in Drago 390
Mapping in model management 341
Mapping rule 39, 179
MapPSO 231, 232, 274, 280
MapReduce 151, 387
MapSSS 303
Markov logic network 143, 260
Markov network 143, 233, 270
Match-based similarity 119
Matcher composition 153-156
Matcher selection 61-63
Matching 39
Matching accuracy 304
Matching coefficient 93, 96
Matching memory consumption 312
Matching process 41, 42
Matching scalability 312
Matching speed 312, 317
Matching usability 313
MatchPlanner 182, 228, 273, 279
Matrix 86, 154
Maximality of similarity measures 85
Maximum weight matching 191, 239
Mediation 24, 40
Mediator 5, 40, 336, see mediation
Memory consumption 312
Mereologic structure 124, 127
Meronym 100, 207, 246
Message translation 24
Method composition 153-156
Method learning 171-180
Methodology 69
Metric 86
Minimal inconsistency preserving subalignment 194, 196
Minimal semantic matching 215
Minimal unsatisfiability preserving subalignment 194, 196
Minimality 86
Minimum cost maximum flow 237
Minimum weight matching 191, 238
Minkowski distance 93, 162
MIPS see minimal inconsistency preserving subalignment
Mismatch see heterogeneity
Miss 304
Mixed technique 74
MoA 216, 272, 279
Moda 342
Modal logic satisfiability 146
Model-based technique {\see{semantic technique 81}}
Model-theoretic semantics 78
Model in model management 341
Model in Rondo 342
Model management 341-344
Model of a network of ontologies 51
ModelGen 342
Monge–Elkan distance 92, 96, 217, 231
Monolingual matching 105
Monotony 161
Monotony increasing 164
Morphism 48
Morphism in Rondo 342
Morphological analysis 98
Morphological normalisation 210, 293
Mostro 382
MoTo 165, 259, 260, 277, 282
MSeer 265, 266, 282, 361
Multi-response linear regression 183
Multi alignment 46
Multi dimensional distance 162-164
Multi lingual 97
Multi lingual matching 105
Multi lingual technique 104, 105
Multi plicity similarity 111
Multi set 93, 112
MultiFarm 297
Multiple matching 46, 293
Multiplicity 80
MUPS see minimal unsatisfiability preserving subalignments
Muse 371
MWSDI 218, 273, 279

n-gram 96
n-gram distance 210, 214, 251, 264
n-gram similarity 90, 177
NAL 297
Name-based technique 78, 87-107, 244, 366
Natural language processing 80
NCI 296
Nearest neighbours 174, 241, 249, 275
Needleman–Wunch distance 91, 96
NeOn Toolkit 349, 350, 391
Network of ontologies 40, 46, 68, 346, 404
Network of ontologies consistency 51
Network of ontologies inconsistency see network of ontologies consistency
Neural network 175-177, 183, 243, 263
NIST 287, 288
Noise 303
NOM 243, 244, 275, 281, 348
Normalisation 244, 245
Normalisation measure 86

OAEI 60, 62, 287-289, 291, 296, 297, 303, 317, 331, 347
Object see individual
Object-oriented model 74
Object identifier 342
Observer 201
Occurrence of a character in a string 87
Occurrence of a substring in a string 87
ODEDialect 322
OID 342
OLA 134, 247, 267, 271, 275, 281, 331, 347
OLA algorithm 134-137
OMap 244, 244, 245, 275, 281, 331, 347
OMEN 220, 220, 273, 279
OMviaUO 157, 224, 224, 225, 273, 279
OMWG 331
One-to-one alignment 47, 75, 190, 191, 207, 235, 236, 238, 239, 245, 251, 264, 294
ONION 205, 205, 206
Onto function 47
OntoBuilder 209, 209, 272, 278, 380
OntoFarm 297
Ontology 25, 32, 33
Ontology approximation 48
Ontology consequence 37
Ontology edition 4, 5, 380
Ontology engineering 3-5, 24, 55, 68
Ontology entity 34-36
Ontology entity language 42, 46
Ontology evolution 5, 56, 59, 348
Ontology import 4, 5
Ontology integration 3, 40, 340
Ontology interpretation 36, 42
Ontology language 33-37, 292
Ontology management 56
Ontology merging viii, 4, 24, 39, 40, 57-59, 68, 208, 209, 215, 216, 235, 246, 322, 324, 328, 345, 348, 372, 378, 378, 379-381
Ontology model 37
Ontology modularisation 151
Ontology partition 39, 149-152, 231, 248, 257, 261, 268
Ontology reconciliation 40
Ontology satisfaction of a formula 36
Ontology semantics 36, 37
Ontology syntax 35
Ontology transformation 24, 40, 328, 336, 380, 380, 381, 387
Ontology translation 40, 55, 345, 380
Ontology version 5, 40
Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative see OEAI
Ontologymatching.org 297, 377
OntoMas 62
OntoMediate 358
OntoMerge 380, 380
OntoSim 232
Ontowrap 347
Opportunistic composition 354
Orchid 384
Ordered weighted average 166, 166, 260, 263, 266, 269
Oriented precision 308
Oriented recall 308
Origin 76
Origin dimension 74
Output dimension 75
Overall 304, 305, 308
Overlap 96
OWA see ordered weighted average
OWL 15, 33-37, 43, 60, 68, 74, 104, 106, 108, 109, 111, 112, 123, 134, 147, 207, 209, 213, 216, 231, 233, 244, 247, 256, 263, 267, 269, 278, 279, 292, 296, 321-328, 331, 333, 336, 337, 347, 373, 378, 380, 389, 390, 396
OWL C-OWL 326, 327, 390
OWL sameAs see sameAs
OWL SWRL 327-329, 390

P2P see peer-to-peer
Parallel composition 245
Parameter 262, 264, 293, 354
PARIS 262, 262, 277, 282
Part-of-speech tagger 97, 106
Partially ordered synonym resource 100, 100, 103
Participation autonomy 13
Particle swarm optimisation 139, 140, 231
Path 324
Path bounded - matcher 126
Path distance 95
Pattern-based matching 81, 128-130
Peer (in Drago) 390
Peer-to-peer 13-16, 24, 207, 389
Peer-to-peer ontology 15
Peer-to-peer system 3
Pellet 147, 213, 390
Percentage threshold 188
PerMIS 288
Perspective 38, 49
Pervasive computing see ambient computing
Picsel 201
Pivot language 105
Polysemy 87
Pooling 311, 316
PORSCHE 152, 227, 228, 228, 273, 279
Positiveness 85
Pre-similarity 86, 90
Precision 65, 301, 302, 305-310, 315
Precision /recall curve 303, 347
Precision@k 303
Prior+ 258, 276, 282
ProbaMap 242
Process dimension 74
Process trace 339
Product classification 9
Prolog 243
Prompt 5, 345, 346, 373
Prompt Anchor-Prompt 208, 209, 272, 345
Prompt iPrompt 345, 373
Prompt PromptDiff 209, 345, 346
Prompt PromptFactor 345
Proof Markup Language 361
Property 107
Property bridge (in MAFRA) 323
Proportional threshold 188
Propositional satisfiability 82, 145, 146
Propositional technique 145, 146
Protégé 5, 345
Provenance metadata 338-340
Prüfer sequences 219
Punctuation normalisation 217
Punctuation suppression 89
Purpose independence 336

QOM 74, 243, 244, 263, 275, 281, 348
Qualification metadata 340
Query answering viii, 23, 24, 40, 348
Query language 42
Query mediation 57, 59, 68, 324, 387, 387, 388-390
Query transformation 24, 59, 68, 322, 383
QuickMig 211, 212, 272, 278

RDF 6, 14, 68, 74, 243, 248, 256, 263, 333, 335, 347, 382, 385, 387, 389
RDF /XML 331, 335, 347
RDF schema 15, 209, 217, 279, 292, 334, 335, 344, 389
RDFS see RDF Schema
Reasoning 39, 380, 389, 390
Recall 65, 301, 302, 305-310, 315
Recall+ 311
Record linkage 117
Reduced semantics 50, 378, 390
Redundancy pattern 215
Reference alignment 300-302, 304, 305, 307
Refinement pattern 130, 232
Relation 34
Relational database model 74
Relational structure-based technique 106, 121-130, 205-207, 210, 212, 217, 245, 247, 248, 272
Relative precision 311
Relative recall 311
Relative size distance 110
Relaxed precision 307
Relaxed recall 307
Relevance feedback 263, 355-357
Repair plan 147, 267
Repository of structure 81
Residual recall 311
Resnik similarity 103, 106
Resource 293
Resource consumption 312
REST 393
Reuse-oriented matcher 83, 210-212, 272
Reversible alignment 47
RIF 328, 328, 329
RiMOM 249, 250, 275, 281, 303, 354
ROC curves 347
ROCK 151
Role-value map 328
Rondo 132, 156, 188, 212, 341-343, 354, 380, 383
Rule interchange format see RIF
RuleML 327

S-Match 74, 213-216, 271, 272, 361-369
SAMBO 252, 252, 276, 281
SameAs (owl:sameAs) 11, 12, 68, 385, 387
Sampling 310, 311
SAT see propositional satisfiability
SAT modal see modal logic satisfiability
SAT solver 145, 146, 214, 362, 367
SAT4J 215, 367-369
Satisfaction (by an ontology) 36
Satisfiability of correspondence 50
Saturation 75
SBI\&NB 237, 238, 274, 280
Scalability 312
Scarlet 157, 159, 223, 224, 273, 279
Schema-based technique 74, 76
Schema integration 3, 5, 8, 24, 39
Schema matching 55, 107
Schema UML 25
Schemr 5, 349
Scope see perspective
Search-space pruning 152, 228, 229, 258
SecondString 96
SEKT mapping language 331, 336
Selector (in Rondo) 342
Semantic bridge (in MAFRA) 323
Semantic ideal - precision 309
Semantic ideal - recall 309
Semantic peer-to-peer system 14
Semantic precision 309
Semantic recall 309
Semantic technique 74, 78, 79, 81, 145-148, 213, 361, 380
Semantic web browsing 20-23
Semantic web service 16, 17, 382
Semantic Bridge Ontology 323, 324, 336
Semantic Web Rule Language see SWRL
SemanticIntegrator 377
SeMap 253, 254, 276, 281
SEMINT 242, 243, 275, 281
SeqDisc 218, 219, 273, 279
Sequential composition 205, 206, 209, 217, 238, 245
Service (in MAFRA) 323
Set 112
SGen 299
Sibling similarity contribution 230
Sigmoïd 189, 244, 257
Silence 303
Silk 117, 347, 377, 385-387, 396
Similarity 85, 191
Similarity aggregation 160-165, 348
Similarity filter 187
Similarity global - computation 130-137
Similarity flooding 132-134, 137, 212, 223, 227, 229, 259, 272, 278, 342
SimPack 96, 106
Simplicity 335
SIMS 201
Single linkage 119, 217
Singular value decomposition 94
SKAT 205, 206, 271, 278, 380
SKOS 68, 104, 297, 321, 322, 325, 333-336, 394
SKOS mapping 394
SMART see Prompt
Smart Matcher 255, 256, 276, 282
SMB 267, 268, 282
Smith–Waterman measure 92, 96, 257, 259
SMOA measure 93, 96, 223, 224, 232, 248, 261
SOAP 393
Solution space 399
SomeWhere 15
Soundex 96
SPARQL 68, 333, 347, 382, 383, 386, 389, 396, 430
SPEC 290
Specialisation 35, 81
Speed 312, 317
Spicy 384
SPLMap 240, 241, 275, 280, 383
SQL 28, 32, 383, 384, 389, 396
Stable marriage 190-192
Stacked generalisation 182-184, 235, 251, 259
Statistical technique 80, 82
STBenchmark 299
Stemmer 106
Stemming see lemmatisation
Stopword elimination 98
Strengthening 189, 190
String 87
String-based technique 79, 88-96, 117, 203-205, 208-210, 214, 217, 239, 241, 244-247, 251, 271, 272, 275, 384
String concatenation 87
String equality 89, 95
String normalisation 88, 89
String occurrence of a substring 87
String substring 87
Stringmetrics 96
Structural technique 78
Structural topological dissimilarity 102, 106, 124
Structure-based internal - technique 107-112, 117
Structure-based relational - technique 106, 121-130, 205-207, 210, 212, 217, 245, 247, 248, 272
Structure-based technique 76, 78, 106-112, 121-130, 244
Stylus 377
Substring 87
Substring similarity 90
Substring test 89
Subsumption 35, 146, 388
Subsumption test 146
SUMO 32, 224
Support vector machine 177, 178, 242, 257, 263
Surjective alignment 47
Swing 299
Swoogle 226
SWRL 325, 327-329, 336, 337, 347, 380, 390, 396
Symmetric precision 308
Symmetric recall 308
Symmetry 85
Synonym 80, 87, 99, 101, 205, 212, 221
Synonymy similarity 101
Synset 64, 99, 100-103
Syntactic technique 74, 78, 78

T-tree 233, 234, 274, 280
TaxoMap 151, 232, 232, 233, 274, 280
Taxonomy 27, 28, 124-127, 236
Taxonomy-based technique 79, 81
Term 97, 99
Term extraction 98
Term frequency 94
Term frequency-inverse document frequency 94, 96, 175, 217, 234, 239, 248
Terminological technique see name-based technique
Terminology 99
Tess 208, 271, 278
Test generation 298, 299
TFIDF see term frequency-inverse document frequency
Thesaurus 99, 106, 334, 345
Threshold 66, 187-190, 205-210, 217, 220, 221, 234, 235, 237, 244, 245, 249, 262, 264, 304, 347, 350, 356
Tokenisation 97, 216, 344
ToMAS 383, 394, 395
Top-k 209
Total alignment 47, 187, 190, 294, 379, 381
Total autonomy 13, 14
Transformation compatibility 388
TransScm 204, 271, 278, 383
TREC 287, 303
Tree distance 124
Triangular inequality 86
Triangular norm 132, 160-162, 165
True positive 99, 302
Tsimmis 201
Tuning 180-186, 313
Tuple-generating dependency 44, 384

UFO 32
Ultrametric 86
Ultrametric inequality 86
UML 25, 31, 110, 292, 293, 324, 337
UML model 341
UMLS 28, 214, 223, 252, 254, 260, 273, 276, 277, 296, 392
Upper-level ontology 32, 55, 81, 156, 224, 225, 270, 381
Upward cotopic similarity 126
URI 67, 137, 330, 335
Usability 313
User-driven composition 354
User input 83, 145, 293, 294, 307, 360
User interaction 211, 216, 234, 263, 342, 353-375

Value 34
Variable 328
Vector-based similarity 93, 240
Version 345
VSBM 241, 241, 242

W3C 324
Watson 59
Weakening 189, 190
Web compatibility 335
Web of data see linked data
Web service 3, 16, 17
Web service composition 40, 340
Weighted average 164, 165, 184, 244, 245, 315
Weighted average ordered 166, 260, 263, 266, 269
Weighted harmonic mean 315
Weighted precision 306
Weighted product 161, 315
Weighted recall 306
Weighted sum 162-165, 210, 212, 217, 236, 315
Weka 179, 242, 257, 259, 263
WHIRL learner 174, 175, 235
Wikipedia 99, 156, 225
Wise-Integrator 245, 245, 246, 275, 281, 389
Word 96
Word sense disambiguation 99, 105, 106, 219, 224
WordNet 62, 64, 99, 125, 126, 145, 156, 157, 161, 177, 179, 205-207, 212-218, 224, 226-229, 231, 232, 241, 245, 246, 249, 252-254, 257, 259, 260, 266, 270-273, 275, 293, 334, 345, 365
WSML 337
WSMT 370, 371
Wu–Palmer similarity 102, 106, 125, 151, 259

XClust 152, 212, 213, 272, 278
XML 6, 29, 68, 74, 214, 297, 326, 335, 377
XML schema 15, 25, 29-31, 109, 213, 214, 235, 245, 278, 280, 292, 328, 341, 383, 395
XML schema matching viii
Xpath 324
XQuery 297, 384
XSLT 68, 347, 383, 384

YAM 258, 259, 276, 282
YAM++ 180, 258, 259, 276, 282

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